Capilano University-2 year diploma in Int'l business

author: 임혜정 (3/28/2012 3:30:19 AM) view 2571 vote 0

Capilano University, North Vancouver, BC CANADA, is pleased to announce the Int`l Bus dip prog, scheduled to begin in Sept 2012. CapU is seeking interest in this program by a diverse student group.

The International Business diploma is a two year (six semester program). Entrance requirements are high school completion with Math 11; and IELTS 5.5 in all skills (or equivalent). Students in this program begin their studies in a cohort group. Over the course of the program, students are gradually integrated with domestic students and by the final semester are fully integrated with domestic students.

Graduates of the program will have the skills to conduct business in English. These graduates will be eligible to apply for a three year post graduate work permit or join year 3 of the BBA program at Capilano University.

Capilano University is seeking interest from qualified students

If you have any inquiry about this school, please call Hazel Im at 604-632-0233.

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